PoolBet – Open game pool invitations & submit bets

by Sawhney Systems



Prepare & submit win, score & lucky squares bets to a pool hosted using GamePool

PoolBet can be used for-• Opening betting invitation from a GamePool host• Preparing your bets for a football game• Submitting your bets to the GamePool hostPoolBet, also known as GameBet, It provides a convenient way to compose and submit your bets for a football game pool to a host who is using the GamePool app to host the pool.It provides you the ability to perform the following tasks-• Prepare personal profile and betting information for submission to the host• Import the game invitation sent by the host• Allows host invitation to be filled with details and resubmitted to host• Update GamePool host for new or changing information• Place Game and Score bets in your profile• Request host an allocation of random lucky squares on the grid• Add a selfie or other photo in the profile• Add your name vocals in the profile• Submit profile to activate the bets in the host poolGameBet can be used to place new bets to the game pool or it could be used to respond to an invitation from a GamePool host with your bet details. This provides an efficient way to exchange bet and profile related details with confidence. It works as follow-1. Hosts sends player a personalized invitation from the GamePool app2. Player opens this emailed invitation using the GameBet app3. Player adds the desired bets and other details 4. GameBet sends back completed bets to the host5. Host acknowledges the bets and their inclusion in the poolGameBet helps you complete the betting task for the hosted game pool with confidence in anticipation of the game results. It provides a clean and simple interface between the pool host and participants for all occasions including the Super Bowl, NFL Playoffs, college matches or your local school team in a match play.• Access betting invitation from a GamePool host • Preparing your bets for a football game• Submitting bets to a GamePool host• Invitations can be received from hosts using Android or iOS devices• Bets can be submitted to hosts using Android or iOS devices• Bettor’s photo and name vocals can also be sent along with the bets for a personalized presentation in game pool parties.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Nice supplement for GamePool participants

Kim Norwell

It worked perfectly. Hope a future update includes a payment option for the bet.

Jimmy Kerr

I got this to prepare my football pool bets and submit them to the pool host who uses gamepool app to manage the pool. It is an easy and organized way to put together your bets including the selection of the winning team and the spread. It also includes a bet on the combined total score and lets you pick a specific number of the random squares that you want the host pool to assign you. In addition, I can attach a selfie and the sound of my name for winner announcements in a party environment. Works well.

Cory Tracy

An easy way to get pool related information from the host. It provides all necessary pool information including the teams playing, date of the match and costs of bets as setup by the host. All I had to do was to fill in my bets and use its menu to submit it back to the pool. Very efficient!

Carol Dunn

Fake app

Pranav Gaikar

Nice app that lets Gamepool pool participants receive host's invitation for a football game and respond with their specific bets for the game. Well done.

Jim Long

Nice app. Well organized and provides a convenient way to get your bets to a football pool host.

Samsung Experience